Art Elements.

     A great piece (or pieces) of art I like was made for a project by Leyland Kirby called Everywhere at the End of Time. The project was made by a few friends, including Leyland Kirby a musical artist, whose stage name is The Caretaker, and Ivan Seal, a painter and artist. Everywhere at the End of Time was made to show what it is like to suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's. The project consists of 6 hours of sampled songs ranging from the 1920s to the 1950s. The songs have no vocals and there is light static and vinyl crackle for the first half of the project with increasing white noise as the songs go on to signify the brain eating itself away. There are 6 stages throughout the project, each with its own unique art piece. The first is the most recognizable, Memories That Last a Lifetime. 



Beaten Frowns After, Ivan Seal. 



    The Album covers for each stage differ greatly, the biggest recurring theme between them all is that they become less and less recognizable as time goes on. The first one resembles a scroll or a roll of paper, the rest of the album covers begin to seem random and unreal. 



(From left to right, top to bottom) Beaten Frowns Afterpittor pickgown in khatheinstersper, Hag, Giltsholder, Eptitranxisticemestionscers Descending, necrotomigaudIvan Seal. 

    All 6 images seem unrecognizable, just as they are all designed to be. They all have a Victorian feel to them as they all seem to be in the style of paintings of that era. All of the paintings use tone, color, and depth to achieve a realistic look while still looking like fake objects. They are all designed to feel realistic but unrecognizable at the same time to show how Dementia affects the brain and recognition of everyday objects and faces. 


    I think all of these paintings are beautifully crafted and they show what they were meant to show perfectly. AI had nothing to do with any of them, and they were all constructed from the ground up by hand. The details and shading on the objects are done perfectly in contrast with the bland backgrounds. The objects are the main focus and they are the only focus, the backgrounds have no feel to them aside from emptiness. If you have enough free time, you can listen to all 6 hours of Everywhere at the End of Time on YouTube and feel what The Caretaker and Ivan Seal worked hard on. It is quite the experience and will definitely make you feel some strange emotions. Go try it out, it's really fun to start and strange to finish.  


 Beaten Frowns AfterEverywhere at the End of Time, Ivan Seal, 2016. 


Pittor Pickgown in KhatheinstersperEverywhere at the End of Time, Ivan Seal, 2016. 


Hag, Everywhere at the End of Time, Ivan Seal, 2016. 


GiltsholderEverywhere at the End of Time, Ivan Seal, 2016. 


Eptitranxisticemestionscers Descending, Everywhere at the End of Time, Ivan Seal, 2016. 


Necrotomigaud Everywhere at the End of Time, Ivan Seal, 2016. 


Everywhere at the End of Time, Wikipedia, 2020,


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